私達は、まず牛肉を通してハラルを学び、世界中の方々に日本の牛肉を知って頂き、更なる進化した日本の畜産の礎となるべくJAPANESE HALAL BEEFを輸出する国々の関係各社も双方で豊かになる事を強く祈念しHALAL BEEFの推進をして参ります。
桃田 昌則
About 20 years have passed since I first heard the word halal. It was around the time of the 2002
Japan-Korea World Cup.
Is it possible to import halal meat for domestic Muslim people at first?
Such a beginning was the opportunity to face Halal.
While facing the teachings and materials of university professors about Halal, I am convinced that
the keyword Malaysian Halal is the world standard.
Now, each country is competing and working on this halal response.
The development of this halal market is an important issue that must be tackled by the beef
livestock industry, which we are involved in, as well as promoting the export of beef around the
First of all, we want to learn Halal through beef, let people all over the world know about Japanese
beef, and contribute to the enrichment of related companies in countries that export JAPANESE
HALAL BEEF so that Japan's livestock industry can further evolve. We will continue to promote
HALAL BEEF with a strong wish.
With this in mind, we have received great support and help from many Islamic countries and even
from ASEAN countries. In addition, I have been able to receive a lot of support and professors from
Japanese people close to me, which has been the driving force of my activities to this day.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your support.
Sincerely, I am willing to do my best, so thank you for your kind support.